About Us

Contacts / Directions

Haus des Engagements
Rehlingstraße 9 (Inner Courtyard)
79100 Freiburg

View on the Map

Tel.: 0761 5953 3990

If you have any questions regarding our Co-Working space or meeting rooms, please contact: raum@haus-des-engagements.de

If you would like to know more about our projects and would like a contact person, please contact: info@haus-des-engagements.de

To reach us:

  • By public transportation: Tram stop at Mattenstraße / Reiterstraße or Rehlingstraße
  • By bike: We have parking space for you!
  • By car: We only have 2 parking spaces and usually both are occupied. So, it’d be better to use public transportation or the bike to come here!

…..Rehlingstraße 9 in the inner courtyard: The door is usually open (there are no doorbells), just come on up to us on the first floor!


The broader goal of the Haus des Engagements is to be a part of a sustainable global society in the ecological, social, and economical sense, which requires strong participation and dialogue from our civil society.

The Haus des Engagements makes space for innovation. We offer working and meeting spaces for associations, companies, and initiatives in Freiburg who are committed to a global responsibility to establish a just, peaceful, inclusive, international, and sustainable future. In this space, we are able to meet, exchange, connect, and network with one another, train ourselves, work and celebrate together. The Haus des Engagements is a platform that provides abundant opportunities for our partners to enjoy diverse engagements with committed people that have various expertise.

The Haus des Engagements stands for diversity, creativity and connecting. In our co-working space, people with diverse expertise and brilliant ideas come together to exchange information and experiences to help each other to further develop their ideas, establish partnerships and leverage synergies. Decisions that affect everyone will be made together.

The Haus des Engagements provides support. The Haus des Engagements provides support. Offerings such as training courses, seminars, lectures, and public relation work support the work, the visibility and the effectiveness of our co-workers and volunteers. The support offered by the Haus des Engagements is an investment in the success of our community (ecosystem), the development of democratic structures as well as the orientation towards individual and shared responsibility. Hence, the Haus des Engagements is a platform that intends to release the full potential of individual and society to achieve a greater good of the whole future.

We, the Haus des Engagements, see ourselves as a “hybrid organization” integrated with the characteristics of the private sector and civil society. The current office at Rehlingstraße 9 is an initial attempt for an even bigger project: to purchase and fully self-manage of an entire building to provide more offerings and support for the engaged public. Similar organizations in other cities have already achieved it in different ways.

An overview of our vision and its implementation/current status can be found in our current status report (as of October 2020). In the report, we list our goals, offerings, the development history of our house, our financing, and the list of our partners and team members of the Haus des Engagements.

Click here for the annual report (in German) 2019/2020

Click here for the annual report (in German) 2021

The concept of the Haus des Engagements is described in a more comprehensive manner in our portfolio report (as of December 2020). There we also list our criteria for the search for a larger space and location for our future operation.

Click here to download the brief portfolio in German (Location criteria, legal structure & finances)

Click here to download the full portfolio in German (HdE-Concept, areas for action, location criteria, legal structure & finances)

RENN.süd published a video (in German) in their toolbox of tranisition about the Haus des Engagements and Treffpunkt Freiburg as successful examples for networking between sustainability initiatives:


Cooperation Partners

We cooperate as much as possible with other organizations and build upon the existing structures. We work particularly closely with the following organizations:

Supporters for the Haus des Engagements

More and more organizations are publicly supporting the “Haus des Engagements”:

Do you also identify with our values and want to support us?caldera_form_modal id=”CF588659fd619ff”]Simply fill out the form (in German)![/caldera_form_modal]

Similar Initiatives

Similar initiatives/houses are already established throughout Germany in other cities – in very different shapes and forms. We are in close contact with a few of them and learn from each others’ experiences.

If you know of any other initiatives that are not listed here, please feel free to let us know!


Would you like to join HdE’s volunteer team? Please contact the coordinator at info@haus-des-engagements.de – we are looking forward to having you!

An introduction to the executive board of our sponsoring association (Treffpunkt Freiburg) can be found here (in German).

You would like to do an internship with Haus des Engagements? Then please take a look at our internship ads (in German) and write to us! For the internship, a working knowledge of German is preferable.

Rosa Bumm
Die Vielfalt im HdE begeistert mich. Ich freue mich, all diese vielen Menschen zu unterstützen, die sich für eine nachhaltige Veränderung einsetzen.

Finn Hees
Vorstand & IT / Hausmeister
Weil es nicht an Lösungen fehlt, sondern an Möglichkeiten, sie gemeinsam zu verwirklichen.
Gitta Walchner
Ich war von Anfang an begeistert von der Idee zu einem Haus des
Engagements, für mich ist das gelebte Gemeinwohlökonomie. Es öffnet
Räume, sich gegenseitig zu unterstützen und Ideen für eine bessere
Zukunft umzusetzen.
Martina Bechtle
Organisationsentwicklung & Projektassistenz
Das Haus des Engagements bietet einen Lern-, Dialog- und Entwicklungsraum für aktives, verantwortungsbewusstes, reflektiertes und kreatives Handeln. Voraussetzung für eine lebendige, sich immer wieder aushandelnde und zukunftsfähig ausrichtende Demokratie.
Stefan Sinn
Bettina Wyciok
Vorstand, Unternehmensspenden und -kooperation
HdE ist für mich einer dieser wichtigen Orte, der physischen Platz und einen dialogischen, kreativen und inspirierenden Lern- und Entfaltungsraum für Menschen und Initiativen anbietet, die sich für eine nachhaltige, soziale, integrative, demokratische Gesellschaft einsetzen. Ein Teil dieses tollen HdE-Teams zu sein und gleichzeitig einen kleinen Beitrag für eine wünschenswerte Gesellschaft zu haben, begeistert mich.
Britta Muth
Newsletter für Engagierte
Ich engagiere mich beim HdE, weil es einen bunten Möglichkeitsraum bietet, gemeinsam am sozial-ökologischen Wandel zu arbeiten.
Robert Gundlach
Bergit Fesenfeld
Konzepte und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Ich finde es wichtig, dass alle Generationen aktiv und gemeinsam für eine in jeder Beziehung lebenswerte Zukunft eintreten. Deshalb engagiere ich mich ehrenamtlich im HdE, wo Vielfalt jeden Tag gelebt wird und Begeisterung ansteckt.
Nataly Nuñez
Ich bin beim HdE weil die Zusammenarbeit und das Verknüpfen von Ideen der Schlüssel zur Entwicklung unserer Gesellschaft sind. Es inspiriert mich, Teil von Projekten zu sein, die Menschen ökologisch und sozial weiterbringen.
Franz-Albert Heimer
Geschäftsführer Treffpunkt Freiburg
Magdalena Langer
Koordination (in Elternzeit)
Im HdE spüre ich den Aufbruch in eine zukunftsfähige Gesellschaft. Dabei möchte ich andere unterstützen, dafür gewinnen und selbst mitgestalten!
Angela Woyciechowsky
Redaktion ‘engagiert in Freiburg’
“Engagement bedeutet für mich: Horizont erweitern, andere unterstützen und dabei Spaß haben – deshalb unterstütze ich das HdE.”
Dorothea Szaktilla
Das HdE stellt für mich ein Ort dar, der Vernetzung, Austausch und Wertschätzung gegenüber Mensch und Material ganz konkret erlebbar macht. Viele reden vom Wandel, hier findet er statt.”
Yourui Yeo
“Ich engagiere mich bei HdE, weil ich eine nachhaltige und sozial gerechte Zukunft mit anderen motivierten Menschen aktiv mitgestalten will. Die Begeisterung vom Team ist spürbar und liefert mir Inspiration, mehr zu erreichen, als ich mich vorher zugetraut hatte.”

Paula Kizik
Paula Kizik
“Ich finde Zivilgesellschaft und -engagement extrem wichtig und möchte aktiv dabei mitmachen und dabei mehr über die Vielfalt bürgerlicher Initiativen in Freiburg lernen.”
Paul Kummetz
Paul Kummetz
“Eine digitalisierte Welt braucht um so mehr Orte an denen sich Engagierte zusammen tuen können und sich selbstwirksam fühlen.”

In addition: Carolin, Julie, … and others!

Join us!

We are always open and happy to receive your support and ideas. Our coordination team currently consists of 15 people actively engaged in the operation of the Haus des Engagements. We plan, communicate, conceptualize and connect in the form of various working groups with specific tasks. We would love to have you join us!

Please contact the coordinator at info@haus-des-engagements.de – we are looking forward to having you!

You would like to do an internship with Haus des Engagements? Then please take a look at our internship ads (in German) and write to us! For the internship, a working knowledge of German is preferable.

Currently we are looking for support in the following area (as of October 2021):

Longer-term engagement
– Location search
– Event management
– Networking projects
– Public relations
– Fundraising
– Equipment rental

Short-term Engagement
– Consultation/Advisory in legal structures / strategy / network
– Support in setting up spaces and clean-up

– good office chairs (black)
– office materials (Flipcharts, paper, pins, magnet, stapler, labels, pen…)
– water pitchers
– big plant pots
– coffee machine


Your donations would be used to enable us to offer our services (consultations, training programs, equipment rental), contribute to the establishment and maintenance of the Haus des Engagements as well as the public relations activities (flyers, posters). A big thank you for your support! We are also happy to issue a donation receipt.

Treffpunkt Freiburg (in trust)
Intended Purpose: Donation Haus des Engagements
GLS Bank
IBAN: DE82 4306 0967 7918 7153 01

Acknowledgements: We would also like to express our sincere thanks for all the support we have received so far.
Our engagement would not be possible if we could not use freely available knowledge or software. Here is a brief list of some of the tools we use:

  • WordPress for the Webseite (und GNU/Linux on the web servers)
  • Nextcloud for our internal collaborations (with a lot of extensions)
  • Ubuntu on our work computers
  • Gimp for photo editing
  • LibreOffice for document editing
  • Thunderbird for E-Mails and Firefox for web browsing
  • ….and of course many, many more. Thank you to the entire open-source and free software community!

Press / Media

We provide the following content for press release purposes.

Logo (png)
Co-Working Space (Foto: Gerardo Gazmuri)
Meeting rooms (Foto: Gerardo Gazmuri)
Networking (Foto: Gerardo Gazmuri)

Here is a selection of press release about Haus des Engagements (in German):

Leider wurden keine Beiträge gefunden.

History / Annual Reports

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