Inspire – Empower – Connect

We wish that each human experiences that s/he can positively shape the world with her/his potential and with others.
With the Haus des Engagements we create a place for encounter and diversity, with open spaces for creative ideas, networking and dialogue.
Thereby we join forces for an open-minded, peaceful, ecologically sustainable, and just world.
And are having fun doing so :)
Get to know
- 30 CoWorkers, use the coworking desks on a daily basis. Half of them are professionals who work for associations, are self-employed, or run a business. They are active in the fields of education, work with children, teenagers and refugees, certification, IT, urban mobility, agriculture & food, business consultancy, art and design.
- Associations and groups use the rooms in the evenings and on weekends for their civic engagement and events. So far, more than 100 different organizations used the facilities, many of them frequently.
- 5 young bands from Freiburg share the band room in the basement, which was built collectively of straw and clay.
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