Contacts / Directions
Tel.: 0761 5953 3990 (feel free to leave a message on the answering machine)
Office hours of the coordination team: Monday to Thursday 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. If you have specific concerns, please make an appointment in advance!

How to find us:
By public transport: Mattenstraße (STR 5) / Reiterstraße (STR 3) or Rehlingstraße (bus lines 11 or 27) stop
By bike: we have space for you!
By car: parking spaces must be requested and reserved in advance. Otherwise parking is not possible.
We have two entrances, both in the inner courtyard:
– Entrance to the rear building via the stairs (no bell; not barrier-free) – you will find the coordination team there on the 1st floor at the entrance desk
– Entrance to the front part of the building via the ramp in the inner courtyard (barrier-free)
About our association
The House of Engagement was originally a project of Treffpunkt Freiburg e.V.. As it grew larger and larger, we decided at the 2023 general meeting to rename the association “House of Engagement e.V.” (the new name has been legally valid since January 24, 2024). You can read more about the history here (in German).
Here is some key information about the association:
- Articles
- Rules of Procedure
- Declaration of membership
- Members of the association
- Our Values and Process of Values
- Completed Projects
The current board members (on the Team page with photo):
- Sandra Kox
- Finn Hees
- Jonas Bauschert
- Maren Moormann
- Yourui Yeo
Cooperation Partners
Supporters for the Haus des Engagements
Similar Initiatives
We are always happy to receive support and are excited to hear your ideas. The coordination team consists of 5 full-time employees and around 10 volunteers who are actively involved in the Haus des Engagements. We would be delighted if you would join us!
Would you like to do an internship at the Haus des Engagements? Then take a look at our internship advertisement and write to us!
Join the volunteer team: Please fill out this form and someone from the HdE team will contact you to conduct an introductory interview. We look forward to hearing from you!
Or would you rather get involved in one of the initiatives that meet at the HdE? Then take a look around our community page or browse the volunteer agency’s participation exchange for opportunities to get involved!
Team at HdE

Anne Schirmer, Co-Management
“For me, voluntary work is living democracy. Experiencing self-efficacy, lifelong and sustainable learning, finding community and shaping society – all of this happens here at HdE.”

Philip Bedall, Co-Management
“Civic engagement is central to the realization and maintenance of an open, solidarity-based and sustainable society – and the House of Engagement offers important resources for this.“

Magdalena Langer, Co-Management (in Parental Leave)
“At HdE I feel that we are moving towards a sustainable society. I want to support others, win them over and help shape it myself!“

Martin Badura, Accounting & Administration
“The future of future generations is in our hands. WE are the ones who create the framework for this through our actions every day. The House of Engagement is a gathering place, a lighthouse in the surf and offers the freedom to make great visions a reality, towards the sustainable benefit of society as a whole. Through my work I am making my modest contribution.”

Laure Kervyn, Project Management EngagementPLUS
“For me, supporting barrier-free and inclusive volunteer work means giving yourself the opportunity to contribute to the creation of encounters and spaces in which social challenges are addressed while taking into account different life experiences.”

Sandra Kox, Board Member

Yourui Yeo, Board Member

Finn Hees, Board Member

Maren Moormann, Board Member

Jonas Bauschert, Board Member
Voluntary Team at HdE

Paula Kizik, Helpdesks

Britta Muth, Events

Robert Gundlach, Equipment Rental

Bergit Fesenfeld, Public Relations

Stefan Sinn, Network

Enno Link, 4netzen

Rosa Bumm, Network

Martina Bechtle, Strategic Development
Donations & Acknowledgements
With your donation you enable the commitment of many and thus support social cohesion and a sustainable future!
Your donations will be used to enable our offers (advice, training, material rental), the establishment and operation of the House of Engagement and for public relations work (flyers, posters). Thank you very much for your support!
We are also happy to issue a donation receipt.
Haus des Engagements e.V.
Verwendungszweck: Spende Haus des Engagements
GLS Bank
IBAN: DE82 4306 0967 7918 7153 01
At this point we would also like to thank you very much for all the support you have given us so far.
- Stadt Freiburg: Koordinationsstelle Bürgerschaftliches Engagement, Amt für Migration & Integration, Umweltschutzamt, Garten- und Tiefbauamt, Nachhaltigkeitsmangement
- Postcode Lotterie
- Freiburger Bürgerstiftung
- Homann Stiftung
- Heidehof Stiftung
- Allianz für Beteiligung
- RENN.süd
- JobRad
- Sparkasse Freiburg – Nördlicher Breisgau
- GLS Gemeinschaftsbank
- badenova
- Taifun Tofu
- Lexware
- Ikea Freiburg
- Deutsche Stiftung für Engagement und Ehrenamt
Our engagement would not be possible, for example, if we could not rely on freely available knowledge or software. Here is a brief list of everything we use:
- WordPress for this website (and GNU/Linux on the associated web servers)
- Nextcloud for our internal collaboration (with many extensions)
- Ubuntu on our work computers
- Gimp for image editing
- LibreOffice for document editing
- Thunderbird for emails and Firefox for browsing
- … and of course many, many more.
Thanks to the entire free software community!