Helpdesk Association Law

Consultation for topics such as:

  • founding of an association
  • non-profit regulations
  • changing the legal form
  • statute of the association
  • preparation of employment contracts
  • tax issues
  • liability issues
  • handling of personal data

With the Helpdesks we give advice to specific questions, however, we cannot check complete documents. Please prepare your questions thoroughly and give us the list of your questions already in the registration form below („Anliegen“), so that the legal expert can prepare in advance. Please adapt the amount of questions to the given time frame of the consultation.

The consultation can be given in German, English, Turkish and French. We would like to specifically invite migrant organisations and organisations from the field of migration / integration to make use of this offer.

Please note: the Helpdesk is no law consultation – we do not take over legal liability!

Consultant: Yagmur Özkan, lawyer and head of the association „Movement for Justice e.V.“

The Helpdesks currently take place via telephone. Therefore, it is necessary to state your phone number in the registration form below. You will receive the call by the advisor at the agreed time.

About the Helpdesks

With our Helpdesks, we offer individual consultation by experts in specific areas. You will have 30 minutes time to receive personal feedback and advice. The Helpdesks are directed to associations and NGOs.

The registration form is open until three days before the meeting. In the form you will be asked to state your questions and matters regarding the content of the Helpdesk. This serves the legal expert to prepare in advance. We would like to ask you to be well prepared for the Helpdesk and to bring all relevant documents and information with you.

The Helpdesks are free of charge, however, with a small donation you can help us to continue supporting more NGOs with our Helpdesks (suggestion: 10-15€).

If you have registered for a Helpdesk, but cannot come, please let us know as soon as possible – out of respect towards the consultant, who would otherweise wait for you, and of other NGOs, who don‘t get the chance to participate.

Please use the german registration form (Link)

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