Interest and Preferences
The HdE has the following task domains.
Which task domains are you interested in?
Many task areas currently require working knowledge of German (ideally B2 / C1), the descriptions for those tasks are therefore not translated.
Events and Projects (German skills may be necessary, depending on the event/project)
We can always use a hand in organizing our various events and projects. These include, for example, our networking event 4Netzen, the various helpdesks, our summer and winter festivals, and helping out with the equipment rental. Or do you have an idea for your own concrete project and want to implement it here?
Support for Summer Festival
Moderation der 4 Netzen Veranstaltungen (German of C1 and above required)
Wir suchen Freiwillige die sich zutrauen bei unseren Vernetzungsveranstaltungen mit 20 bis 40 Besuchern eine Diskussion zu moderieren oder die Teilnehmer durch den Abend zu führen. (evtl. in Zoom)
Public Outreach / Öffentlichkeitsarbeit (German of C1 and above required - OR publication in English (but sufficient German is required for translation)
Hier kannst du dich kreativ beim Schreiben von Homepagebeiträgen, Newslettern, Führen von Interviews, Erstellen von Steckbriefen unserer HdE Community oder Recherchearbeiten ausleben, um mit Menschen in Freiburg zu teilen, was bei uns und in der Engagementlandschaft gerade aktuell passiert.
Soziale Medien Instagram, Facebook, Mastodon
Blogbeiträge über Außergewöhnliches auf der Webseite
Einige CoworkerInnen Steckbriefe müssen mal auf den neuesten Stand gebracht werden
Fund-raising (German knowledge of B2 required)
Um gutes Fundraising für das HdE zu betreiben, entwickeln wir Strategien, nehmen wir Kontakt zu Kooperationspartnern, Unternehmen und Stiftungen auf, erstellen Präsentationen und Werbematerial.
Team Development (German knowledge would be helpful, but certain tasks can be done with minimal German knowledge - note that most communications and the working language of the team is generally German
So that everyone feels comfortable and involved in our team, we organize regular team meetings, keep the team updated, introduce new interested people to the team, and much more!
House-keeping und Coworking (Minimal German knowledge is fine for some tasks)
In the HdE there are a number of daily tasks that simply have to be done, for example watering the plants, updating the weekly board, sorting flyers, maintaining the search-bid-wall and much more. It would also be great if you'd like to help out with the coworker lunch on Wednesdays.
Coworkers - Lunch on Wednesdays (arrangements can be made for helpers with minimal German knowledge - prior consultation with the coordinator is necessary)
Coworkingspace - Watering and taking care of the plants (minimal German knowledge is fine)
Coworkingspace - other house-keeping/room maintenance tasks (minimal German knowledge is fine)
Coworkingspace - Designing panels and boards (some German knowledge is necessary - B1 and above)
Standortsuche (German knowledge of B2 and above required)
Wir suchen nach Räumlichkeiten um uns langfristig besser aufzustellen. Kennst du dich mit städtischen Immobilien aus? In unserem Portfolio kannst du mehr Info über unseren idealen Standort lesen.